Day 94 – Insole Struggles

The lack of arch support made my foot pain a lot worse today. The new insoles do a great job for the ball of the foot but almost nothing elsewhere. I tried doubling up the insoles by stacking the new ones on top of the old ones. It felt good, but there isn’t enough room in the toe-box of the shoe to keep them stacked without causing blisters. Tomorrow I’ll cut off the toe of the old inserts so I can stack them easier. Sooner or later I’ll be able to hike like a normal person.

I crossed the Maryland/Pennsylvania state line a.k.a the Mason Dixon line this afternoon. It’s exciting to be in Pennsylvania and if I keep this pace up I’ll be out in ~10 days.

Hiking alone continues to be boring and left me with little to do except be angry at my feet. I made it to the shelter around 7:45pm and I expect tomorrow to be more of the same. The plus side of hiking alone, I’ll be able to skip the next motel room. I’ve been able to bathe in the river and rinse out my clothes. I should be able to re-supply at a country store ~40 miles up the trail and just keep going. Hopefully I’ll find a few folks up the trail to hike with for a while.

Day 94 Mileage: 24.7 mi [Annapolis Rock -> Tumbling Run Shelters]
Total Mileage: 1083.5 mi

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