Fuselage Skin: 8.3 hrs

June 16, 2020

Since we have a bunch of stuff on order for the wings, we went back to working on the fuselage. Paul made the elevator bell-cranks and spacers and temporarily installed the assembly.

Elevator Bell Crank

We then installed and match drilled the top forward skin that sits right behind the baggage compartment.

The center stiffener gets in the way of one of the skin rivets at the aft-most part of the skin. The instructions say multiple times not to rivet the stiffener in place before you get the skin, but the quick-build kit is delivered with the stiffener riveted and the skin not installed. We couldn’t find a clean way to remove those rivets, so we’ll just have oval holes and oversized rivets here. It’s really frustrating but overall I’m still glad we’ve saved the time on the quick-build kit

We trimmed and placed the F-6116 supports and cleco’d in place along with the skin. I’m not sure when to permanently install the upper skin since its really nice having access to the rear fuselage. At some point you have to make progress, so we’ll see when Paul runs out of other things to do. Paul also made the elevator bell-cranks and spacers and temporarily installed the assembly.

(Total Build Time: 309.8 hrs)

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