HS Rework: 12 hrs

March 15, 2020

The replacement stiffener for the horizontal stabilizer finally arrived! We re-worked that stiffener up to the point it was ready for installation and then continued with the match drilling that we couldn’t do previously with the bad part.

After that it was a solid 8 hrs of disassembly and deburring of both sides of the horizontal stabilizer. For the most part I don’t think having two people in the garage doubles the amount of work getting done, probably closer to 1.5 instead of 2 times the benefit. As such we generally track our “build hours” as hours anybody spends in the garage on the project, whether that’s 1 person or 3. However, when it comes to deburring having two people definitely doubles the amount you can get done in an hour.

Now all of the horizontal and vertical assembly components are ready for priming (and they look so good all laid out). Unfortunately, we’re still waiting on a heater to be able to warm the garage enough to prime.

(Total Build Time: 40 hrs)

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