Left Wing Intersection Fairing: 5.0 hrs

August 14, 2020

While the wing was installed we went ahead and put on the intersection fairing. This was all pretty simple metalworking. A new concept is used here to locate the holes on the lower fuselage skin though. You can use any straight line, just mark the 1, 2, and 3″ spots from where your original hole is, then once its covered you can line the ruler back up alone the inch marking and drill your hole at the end of the ruler. There’s not any extra material here and its a lot of pulling to get the cnc drilled holes to line up. We upsized the cnc holes that mount along the main wing spar on the top and bottom and used those #8 screws to hold the entire thing in place. This let us do some fine adjusting along the front leading edge to get a consistent gap. After that we marked 3/16″ away from the fuselage skin, removed and trimmed. There’s a rubber piece that installs between the fairing and fuselage here so it doesn’t have to be perfect, just consistent. The rest of the day was spent drilling, deburring and dimpling all the holes we just drilled. It broke 100 degrees in the garage today. Gotta stay hydrated.

(Total Build Time: 544.1)

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